Evening of Shamanic Sound Healing

Evening of Shamanic Sound Healing

Shamanic Sound Healing

Shamanic Sound Healing is a way to bring our intentions for healing into manifestation. Join me, Sean Michael Imler who will lead the group. We will do a shamanic journey that’s called upon by spirit for the evening. Sometimes there’s a teaching. We will then collectively focus on healing while chanting, and lastly connect through sharing.

When:  Every last Thursday of the month.  We begin promptly at 7pm. We usually finish by 8:15.

Covid-19 Notice

Because of Covid-19 and our “shelter in place” ordinance, this event will be happening virtually.

Go to the Zoom url: https://bit.ly/2JbnXRW and register.

Loving a Sacred Life: Practical Spirituality Book Link to Amazon


For Dial-In, call 669-900-6833.   Meeting ID is 783 906 108

Once registered, you’ll be able to connect via cell, computer, or call in.  To prepare, find a quiet place or use headphones to connect.

  1. Sean sets up the altar.
  2. Take a piece of paper and write down on it the names of people, places, situations, animals, anything that you want to bring healing to and keep it with you to hold during the ceremony.
  3. Light a candle with the intention of connecting it to the candle on my altar.
  4. We call in the spirits, honoring the directions.
  5. We go thru a guided journey to help us heal and raise our vibration to a higher state.
  6. We chant with the intention of directing this healed state into our prayers. When we start chanting, the words are:
    Tunkashila, chewakiyelo
    Tunkashila, hoyewayelo

    I will provide the translation before we begin.

There is no fee to attend but PayPal donations are greatly appreciated.

If you have any furthers questions, don’t hesitate to contact Sean.

Recordings From Past Events

The following recordings are the guided shamanic journey. If you’d like to participate to do your own healing, we suggest that you focus on the picture of the altar, asking your own guides or angels to be present with you and connect you to the altar thru time and space. The chant is not part of these recording. If you’d like to create a prayer list and that direct your healing energy toward it after the journey, do so through your own method of prayer. Thank you for taking time out of your day to do this!!



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