Soul’s Purpose Astrology

Soul's Purpose Astrology alt
  • Understand what you came here to do
  • Know what cycles to expect in your life
  • Identify where the greatest opportunities are
  • Understand your emotional nature and what triggers it
  • Get clarity on why you make the choices that you do
  • Learn to make better choices
  • Determine what will lead to greater happiness
  • Determine what to avoid

Soul’s Purpose Astrology

You can live a life of trial and error. This can take years to determine whether something will bring you closer to happiness.  You can also do a Soul’s Purpose Astrology reading. This will take the guess work out of your plans for relationship, career, family, and person well-being.

Different Forms of Astrology

There are different forms and purposes for astrology.   Some people use astrology for financial prediction.  Some astrologers focus on current world events and understanding whether the prevailing energies are harmonious or discordant to future events.  I lean toward helping someone understand their soul’s purpose in this lifetime and the prevailing influential energies that determine where their greatest points of challenge and fulfillment will be.  

The Year 2020

The planets and their arrangement in the solar system create a vibrational signature which is constantly changing.  We’re all experiencing an era in 2020 that was foretold many years in advance by astrologers. They knew there would be conflict and the breaking apart of an old structure to create something new.  As evidenced on the world stage, the covid-19 pandemic has altered reality. It has forced us to look both our outer relationships to one another, and our relationship with ourselves.  It’s forced us to look at what’s important to focus on in relation to our political and societal structures. It’s shown what needs to change to adapt to a life threatening invader.  

On another level, 2020 events forced us to assess the information that we take in. This has been especially true in the United States but also happens globally. The source of what information we listen is as important as how we determine the trustworthiness of the information.  We have to determine if and when to take action and if a when to remain quiet. Sometimes we need to be open to the resolution of situations to take their course without our interference.  

The Astrological Planets When We’re Born

These happenings are a perfect example of the position of the planets at the time we’re born.  Planets create a template of vibrational qualities. We experience this as the psychological backbone of who we believe ourselves to be.  They design the areas of our lives where we’ll experience the most challenge, and the areas of greatest ease.  For instance, the area of relationships may be filled with difficulties of other people understanding you.  You may frequently feel alone and isolated and not have deep connections with others.  On the other hand, you may have a particular gift in finance. The management of numbers and figures helps you make money easily.

The Astrological Planets In Motion

Another thing to understand is the planets and the qualities they hold are always in motion. Most run on a fairly predictable schedule.  Over the course of a lifetime, themes of events reveal their timing You can expect a diminishing or amplification of events and their effects based on different ages. This is because of the vibrational qualities of the planets.  For instance, Saturn makes a full revolution around the sun at about age 29. You can expect to be forced to focus on an area of your life that will have a lasting impact to how you do things.  This Saturnian energy has been a major impacting force to 2020.  How we do things has been highlighted in the areas of medical needs during a pandemic.  How we handle an election, and how we manage social unrest have been hilighted.  

An astrological chart will tell you the prevailing energies that will have the most impact over a person’s life. It will also the influence over the world at large.  It’s a snapshot of reality that can be used a reference and track life changes and someone’s personal characteristics.

Soul’s Purpose Astrology Natal Chart

One of the most important features of an astrological natal chart is determining the soul’s purpose.  There are features to examine that become the backdrop onto which your life unfolds.  They describe the home life into which you’re brought up. They can show the psychological makeup of those closest to you. Some features reveal the stresses or ease in which you experience people and events.  Then, there are elements that describe the direction that your soul would like for you to develop. They’ll show where you can experience a deep inner fulfillment.  These aren’t without challenges. It’s overcoming and integrating those challenges that harmonizes your overall being with the areas in which your greatest fulfillment lies.  The areas generally are relationships, career, family and spirituality or sense of self and identity.  

Personal Fulfillment and Purpose

One of the most important things to consider in having a chart done with Soul’s Purpose Astrology is that it clarifies what area of life will create the greatest degree of personal fulfillment.  It can also tell you when the greatest challenges will arise.  This means that having Soul’s Purpose chart done saves you from having to live a life of trial and error.  You can anticipate events and opportunities and the effect they’ll have on your direction and focus.  You can determine whether it would be better to go left or right; to assess an opportunity as taking you forward or backward in your personal development.  To anticipate where the career move will lead you to greater prosperity or diminish  your wealth or standing.  

What If I’m Already Mature?

If you’re already past your 50’s, you may feel that many of the developmental areas of career and family have already matured. You may think there’s no reason to have any of this done.  However, what you’ll find is that as old cycles fall away, new cycles are generated. This brings up some of the same situations that you encountered when you were younger.  That’s due to the cyclical nature of the planets.  Certain life lessons are bound to repeat, but the details are altered.  A Soul’s Purpose Astrology reading can help you put events and situations into context. You can see how they’re destined to show up again.  You have the added benefit of having been there before. The patterns as they’ve played out in your life become obvious. 

With that information, you may choose to make specific changes in order to have a different outcome. This new outcome is more in alignment with your soul’s purpose.  For example, you may look back to when you sacrificed your dance career for having children. Now that the children are grown, you may realize the special way dance made you feel is missing. You may choose to go into a program that connects you to others. You might find a new sense of personal fulfillment develops in a group context. Maybe learning to share your years of experience is just what you needed. You might at this point develop curriculum for others to learn.  

Psychological Astrological Cycles

One of the most powerful things that you can learn from a Soul’s Purpose Astrology reading is where, when, and why we have some of the greatest difficulties with attaining happiness.  We can examine the cycles of depressions, inaction, and feeling stuck. We can even look at how we might develop physical symptoms and illness related to our planetary configuration.  This gives a level of prediction of when they’ll arise, and most importantly, what they’re trying to teach us.  The soul always presents what we need most for our continued growth and evolvement.  You can also see why you may choose the partner that you have. You can see how they’re helping you to become the greatest part of yourself, or the best you can be.  

What Happens in a Soul’s Purpose Astrology Reading?

First and foremost, a Soul’s Purpose Astrology Chart is cast using your birth date, place and time.  This three pieces of information are critical to determine the most accurate information.  You should be able to find your birth time on most birth certificates.  Some people don’t know their exact birth time.  In this case, talk to relatives who may have been around when you were born.  You can often get clues that will indicate time of birth.  For those that have no idea, there are techniques to get the closest information, but this is more labor intensive.

Once the chart is cast, the conversation ensues.  Going over personal experiences and event dates can help clarify what the most prominent features of the chart are.  This can help determine which cycles are more likely to recur and how to deal with them.  We’ll also spend a significant amount of time understanding the early years as they are a reflection of what you came into this life already knowing.  This clarifies what past life skills have already been developed.  Then we can look at the areas of greatest import for the soul in this lifetime.  

All sessions are a conversation and your desire to speak open and freely will enhance the power of the session and the illumination it will bring forth.  All sessions are recorded.  You are encouraged to go back over the information and put it into place in your life for the maximum benefit.  

In Conclusion

I highly recommend having a Soul’s Purpose Astrology chart done. It can take the guesswork out of what you came to this planet to be, to accomplish.  It will lead you to the greatest thing you can know, which is, who you actually are.  Use this calendar link to set up a consultation to get a chart done now.    



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